Presbyterian Students

Presbyterian students who are candidates for ministry follow a discernment process that is meaningful and supportive. See below for an explanation of some of the key elements of this process. For those who may be candidates for ministry in the Presbyterian Church (USA), scroll down for additional information.

Guidance Conference
Psychological Testing

Students within the discernment process of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, as candidates for ministry, are required to attend a Guidance Conference as a part of this process. These events are a way for candidates and the wider church to discern and confirm gifting for pastoral leadership in the church. Guidance Conferences are coordinated through the Ministry and Church Vocations office of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. More information is available here.

Please be sure to coordinate with your Presbytery for your attendance at a Guidance Conference as early in your MDiv studies as possible. It is helpful to have vocational clarity as early as possible in your program. If you have questions about the Guidance Conference process, you may also inquire with the Principal.

Candidates for ministry in The Presbyterian Church in Canada are required to complete a psychological examination. The purpose of the testing is to encourage growth and self-understanding in discernment for ministry. This assessment also helps indicate whether there is a “fit” between the candidate’s personal characteristics and those considered desirable for people in ministry. This process assists presbyteries in making strong nominations and confirming candidates who potential for ordained ministry. It helps candidates also move forward with confidence.

For more information concerning Psychological testing, please be in touch with the Academic Dean. As with the Guidance Conference, this testing should be completed as early in a student's academic program as possible.

Each year the students and faculty of The Presbyterian College participate in a weekend retreat that is held at Camp CAMMAC on Lake MacDonald in the Laurentians. The retreat includes inspiring times of worship, delicious food, and an experience of the gifts of nature. Enjoy some time by the lake, or throwing a frisbee with friends. 

This context of retreat provides the means for community building and personal renewal in preparation for another year of study. As one student affirms about the retreat, “it is a good way to start the semester in a welcoming and safe environment.” 

PCUSA Candidates

This section of the website is presently under construction. For more information about PCUSA candidates studying at The Presbyterian College, please be in touch with the Principal.