Roland De Vries


PASTORS' HEALING CARE - ONLINE MENTORING GROUP Participants in this new Mentoring Group (commencing January 2023) will come with an openness to explore the events that have shaped them as individuals, to explore their core beliefs about God and self, and to explore the unconscious things that drive their engagement with others. Such a journey...
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The pandemic has disrupted a part of our conference and so we regret that Carolyn Arends will not be able to join us for the scheduled concert on Wednesday, May 26th. HOWEVER>>> Last minute, we are delighted to welcome Chad Linsley, to present a Jazz Vespers with Roland De Vries. Same location as the originally...
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The Presbyterian College is excited to announce that it will host its 154th Convocation in person on May 5th, 2022. Each year we look forward to this opportunity to celebrate a new class of graduates, as well as gather with other members of The Presbyterian College community. We hope to see you there! The Presbyterian...
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Online Open HouseTuesday, March 29th, 4-6:00 p.m. (EST) An opportunity to learn about the vibrant community of the College and explore our academic programs. We welcome you to join us for a College open house. This will provide an opportunity to learn about the academic programs of the College, to get a sense of college...
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