The Presbyterian College is governed by a Board of Governors consisting of clergy and lay persons appointed by the General Assembly of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. The Board includes faculty as well as student and alumnae representatives.
The Presbyterian College is a partner in the Montreal School of Theology (formerly ‘the Joint Board of Theological Colleges’) which is affiliated with the McGill University Faculty of Religious Studies, both of which are accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the USA and Canada. We also have partnership with L’Université Laval and with the Institut de Théologie pour la francophonie.
Board of Governors
Professor Marilyn Scott (Convenor) – Professor in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at McGill University (Retired), and a member of St. James Church, Hanwell, NB. Email Marilyn (click here)
Ms. Rose Mbenoun – Elder and Clerk of Session, Kensington Church, Montreal.
Rev. Dr. David Clark – Minister, New St. James Presbyterian Church, London, Ontario
Rev. Dr. Nigel Parker – Minister, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Sherbrooke, Quebec.
Ms. Margarita Medina – Elder, Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul, Montreal.