Doctor of Divinity - Nomination Information

Doctor of Divinity (honoris causa)

This honorary degree shall be awarded by the Board of Governors of The Presbyterian College, Montreal for sustained and outstanding contributions in one of the following areas:

  • theological scholarship
  • theological education
  • pastoral, diaconal, or missional service


  • The recipient may be an ordained minister, diaconal minister, ruling elder or lay person of The Presbyterian Church in Canada or of a Christian tradition or church related meaningfully with The Presbyterian College.
  • Theological scholarship includes traditional academic scholarship, with the publishing of scholarly articles, books, dictionary entries, or related publications, but may also include publication in less formal scholarly contexts.
  • Theological education may include education that takes place in a university, theological college, seminary, bible colleges, congregation or related context. 
  • Pastoral, diaconal, or missional service includes service/ministry in any of its many forms.

Process for Approval and Awarding

  • Each nomination must be submitted/signed by three nominators.
  • All nominators shall be members of The Presbyterian Church in Canada or belong to a Christian tradition related meaningfully with The Presbyterian College.
  • A completed nomination shall consist of the nomination duly completed by three persons, and a current curriculum vitae of the nominee. The CV may be sent to [email protected]
  • The deadline for nominations each year shall be January 31st (exceptionally in 2025 the deadline is March 31, 2025)
Doctor of Divinity — Nomination Form

Doctor of Divinity — Nomination Form

This form shall be used by those who wish to nominated a candidate for the degree Doctor of Divinity (honoris causa). Each of the three nominees shall complete and submit this form.

Name of one making nomination
Name of one making nomination
First Name
Last Name

The Presbyterian College, shaping transformational leaders for church and community since 1865.

The Presbyterian College

3495 University Street
Montreal, QC
H3A 2A8

Mon - Fri 9:00A.M. - 4:30P.M.
Summer: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

+1 514 288-5256
[email protected]

To submit a question or inquiry, click here.

In partnership with the Montreal School of Theology, McGill University, and the Institut de Théologie pour la Francophonie.

Core Programs

Bachelor of Theology Master of Divinity Master of Sacred Theology Maitrise en Étude Théologique Open Online Courses