Climate Change, Theology, and Church

Join us for this five-week study will focus on theological and practical responses to climate change from a Christian perspective. We will outline the causes and effects of climate change, examine biblical and theological foundations, and then discussion practical responses for individuals, the church, and society. 

Rising global temperatures, changing weather patterns, more wildfires. All these changes in climate point to human culture and activities. 

How are Christians to understand and practically respond to climate change? 

Does scripture or theology have anything useful to say? 

Can the church be a site of practical changes? 

Is there hope in the midst of environmental degradation? 

The course will consist of online discussions, lectures, video illustrations, suggestions for further study, and practical takeaways. By the end of this study, you will understand some of the problems with our modern worldview and its misinterpretation of the Christian tradition. But you should also feel hope as Christians and other people of good will are committed to preserving and taking take of God’s good creation. 

Registration Below.

Instructor: Dr. Adrian Langdon

Adrian Langdon is the Director of Programs at The Leadership Centre of The Presbyterian College. He holds a PhD in theology from McGill University and has taught university courses on Christianity, climate change, and related topics. He is currently finishing a book on Karl Barth and ecotheology.

Climate Change, Theology, & Church - 2024

Climate Change, Theology, & Church - 2024

Are you registering on behalf of a congregational group or an individual?

Climate Change, Theology, and Church
5 Weeks

Thursday evenings - Online
October 3rd - October 31st
7:00pm to 8:30pm (EST)

Registration Fee of $55/person
Group Registration is $200/group

We encourage you to consider learning together as a group. This could be in-person in someone's living room or in a church hall, or even online. Registering as a group of 4 or more represents a savings for each person. The group leader is the only one who should register, and the leader will share the Zoom link for the study with members.