Participants in this new Mentoring Group (commencing January 2023) will come with an openness to explore the events that have shaped them as individuals, to explore their core beliefs about God and self, and to explore the unconscious things that drive their engagement with others. Such a journey will require courage, vulnerability, and commitment. Through the process, participants will find themselves deeply formed by new healing experiences with Jesus and each other.

The program followed will be Healing Care International—the group will gather monthly via Zoom. Participants will also receive access to an online portal with guidebook, teaching videos and additional supports. Participants will normally be expected to preview the teaching videos by Terry Wardle a few days prior to the mentor group meeting. After the monthly group meeting, group members will be given various assignments, such as spiritual journaling or the practicing of specific spiritual skills, as well as being encouraged to participate with a mid-month group e-mail check-in. For more information on the Healing Care program (Canada), visit here.


Kerry McIntyre is a graduate of The Presbyterian College, and has served congregations in eastern Ontario, Toronto, Chilliwack and Duncan, BC.

Jan McIntyre is a registered nurse. After graduating from the University of Alberta's Parish Nurse certificate program, she served ten years as the first Parish Nurse in congregational ministry within the Synod of BC. 

Kerry and Jan have both trained extensively as facilitators with Healing Care, and have led several groups through this healing ministry. 

Through the Healing Care course I learned to hear the Holy Spirit better, and grew in my emotional intelligence. Also, there were ideas about God that I'd always assented to, but this course helped me to experience these in quiet and healing moments. All of this left me stronger and better equipped to serve those under my care.
— Rev. Jeremy Bellsmith, St. Andrew’s, Nanaimo


The cost to join a mentoring group is $280 per year (September through May), which covers all costs, including the registration fee for the annual Spring gathering in Montreal. (The cost of travel to Montreal in May is not covered. A limited number of rooms in the College residence is made available at minimal or no cost for the three days of the Spring mentoring gathering/conference.)


Potential participants will be invited to prepare a personal Life Script and to have a preliminary interview with Kerry and Jan before joining the group. The Life Script and interview helps to prepare participants for the depth of the journey involved in the Healing Care process as well as to enable the leaders to be confident that the group will be safe for all participants. The life script will be treated in an entirely confidential manner, and treated with great sensitivity—it will be shared directly, and only, with the leaders of the group. The Life Script may be found here.


For any initial inquiries or if you have questions, please be in touch directly with the Rev. Roland De Vries, Principal of the College. He may be reached at [email protected] The College is in the process of hiring new Director of Programs for the Leadership Centre, and that person will in due course take responsibility for administration of the Mentoring Program.

January 2023Orientation
FebruaryFoundations: Charting our Course
MarchFamily of Origin: Faith and Trust
AprilIdentity and your True Self
SeptemberDysfunctional Behaviours and What Drives Them
OctoberDysfunctional Behaviours, Sin and God’s Extravagant Grace
NovemberEmotions: Learning to Listen
January 2024Reorientation and Review
FebruaryLament: Processing Pain
MarchLies, False Beliefs and the Light of Truth
AprilProcessing Lies and Experiencing Truth
SeptemberProcessing Wounds and Experiencing Healing
OctoberForgiveness: An Ongoing Journey
NovemberThe Journey Continues
The Journey Continues...

Pastors' Healing Care Registration

Pastors' Healing Care Registration

A form for those registering for the Healing Care mentoring group. We will be in touch soon with more information!
